To be honest, there were too many ideas running in my head as i welcome this month. I was pretty much excited, after all, this is my birthday month, and the beginning of the "BER" season- meaning Christmas time is around the corner! But what happened? what went wrong? The month is almost over and i haven't posted anything yet?
Well, since i recently celebrated my
18th birthday, i think people will forgive my vanity, if i'll be talking about myself here! (since when did i not talk about myself?!) haler, this is my blog, am allowed to justify my narcissistic side!:)
Kidding aside, i had a blast remembering moments, lessons and experiences in the past. There were hits and misses, because we don't have a perfect life. I think my greatest fear now will be, looking back in a few years, and have some regrets for the things i didn't do-which i could have done. Or things i hadn't said, which i could have easily uttered. For people who is hitting some crossroads, like i think what i'm doing, we become so conscious of everything. If we've done too much or too little. Now my problem is, i would want to do so many things at the same time. Like i could never choose one over another. And if you notice, this post seems to gear on my favorite subject again- RANDOM RAMBLINGS. I realized i'm doing that a lot! but what the heck, this is my blog anyway, my own universe and i can do so anything i wishes! lol
And so the love for killer shoes and to die for make up and beautiful dresses and equally wonderful accessories suddenly got shelved in the farthest corner of my closet, i don't think i'll miss you anytime soon. The love for the sand, the beach, the sea, the sunrise, the sunset becomes a refreshing, welcome treat. Like i'd do anything to have a weekend getaway. And with everything i mean- i've given up malling, movies, random unwinding and treating thineself to an expensive cup of coffee or the sugar overload doughnuts and even buying the sunny dresses i so like. Instead, i'd buy swimswear, flats and flipflops...and then i'd laze dreaming of a beachfront, and then i'd work hard, so i can travel more...and this is just one half of the story!
What's the other half? Well, i find myself browsing through the net, for any opportunities to go outside of the country. And i don't mean to work my butts off! I mean to go out and explore, travel. But how would i do that when i can't even finance the traveling just within the Philippine map? I am actually targeting of hitting two birds with one stone- meaning, i'd like some opportunity to study abroad and travel at the same time. well, this seemed to be in a far flung future! But it's part of what's keeping me awake this days!
Then came another love- well sorry to say it's not a boy! My love for cooking. I don't know, but it's one of the things i like learning these days. I can watch and enjoy cooking shows and read cooking stuffs and all. There's a tinge of satisfaction whenever i go home and whip out dishes for my family and liking it when they crave about my cooking- or maybe they're just being polite! And i like cooking for my friends too:) You want me to cook for you? Just let me know okay?! haha
This life is such complicated. The person you used to be, can be a stranger after some time, or some tribulation, or some random event, can change your life forever. Inspirations come and ago, feelings fade, interests changes. But one thing should stay the same- the need to always be true to yourself. Be true to what you desire, what you always want to be. Because apart from life being so complicated- it can also be so short. Let's not live with regret, but with happiness of each moment, and let it not pass us by, before our very own eyes!
Cheers to this life, my life, your life, our life!!!:)
Happy 18th! lol |
beach is love!:) |
Sunset:) |
Beach girl! |
ditching the heels! |
Celebrate! Carpi Diem!:) |