I decided to bare my soul a little bit and post here few of the poems I made. Most of them were from years back and it kinda depicts those people I thought of that moment. I'm kinda fond of writing poems about what I feel for a friend, a special friend and anything in between! hehe. So I'll brace myself for a possible cyberspace humiliation coz I'm not really a good poet, just someone who happens to be in love with poetry and tried so hard to make the most of what I feel:)
by angelaires
Lucid as the water
I see you, I see me
Underneath the cirles of life
We keep bouncing,
Yes, You and me.
We danced through the music,
Lived through life
Laugh at each other
Chuckle at one another
And all the mirth has gone by…
And you cried…
I wiped your tears,
And I cried, but I didn’t feel your fingers
Bracing my pain
Pushing away my fears…
For a moment it was fine
Still we laugh, still we cried
I held the memory
Close to my heart
Closer than all the memory I have hoard
Till this space inside my heart,
Take it all away, so far away
That when I have grasped it again
Feels like a memory long gone by
Drenching my tears
Burning my throat
With the sound of our laughter
Now banished into the thin air
And everything I believed in,
Hope and lived for
Was taken away from me
Where are we?
In this circle I lose myself
Lost inside the pain that I can no longer ignore
I’m sorry
But I needed to heal
This emptiness I long so ago felt
Maybe I wasn’t meant to stay for you
Maybe you weren’t meant to care for me
Maybe we’re better off
When goodbye embrace
us both
Let us but try to wave
Not because everything has come to an end
But because of something great in store for both you and me...
Let us welcome the people we’re bound to see,
Bound to laugh with, cry with and hold with.
Maybe then, we’ll find it home
Maybe then it was worth the going,
And the passing, the
pausing and the staying
They are but stages we need to go through my FRIEND.
I loved a friend
The way a friend should love a friend
That is all it is and all that I felt.
Another One of the few poems i made from way back.....
February 5, 2009
Seasons of Love
By angelaires
In your eyes…
Reveals the deepest mystery,
Tangled and lost
Nevel will you set it free…
In there hang the words;
Sofly you lay them all,
Gently you take them back
Time… it does not belong to us
In another lifetime
Hand in hand,
My heartbeat next to yours
Intertwined, beating as one
Maybe then, we’ll have what we want
The most…
Fall will soon fade
Soon enough the leaves will get back
Right to where it belongs…
In the bare arms of the trees
Then, I can hold…
The one I wanted the most…
Winter will pass by,
Yet it won’t stand
Can’t dare to stay
The power of what I deem
What you feel.
Will push it way
Nay, never can it chill
The heat of what we feel
Bewildered when spring comes by…
Shakespeare can never be wrong
To be or not to be lies in our hands
Is there a chance?
To keep this real
Letting you know how I truly feel…
A lifetime with you…
A peek of what tomorrow is,
Shall it bring sadness?
Or a taste of happiness?
Will it end the journey?
Or shall I wander some more
in the open galaxy…
Will we find a way
To make our dreams…
Come to reality
Just you,
Just me,
Just the two of us.
No things greater…
Nothing stronger…
Is all I want
I need
I breathe
Is all I want
I need.
I want.
I breathe
You are my LOVE.
Well, this is something I made last January 21, 09.
I don’t know what prompted me to write this but by wrecked brain just compelled my fingers to type the words. It sprung from utter randomness of my thought… Can’t say I was frustrated that time…But writing has always been a way for me to keep my nerves under control, relax me and keep me calm enough…Not that I was aggravated that time…It’s just that I’m trying hard to
understand something… Well, it’s a random world after all…whatever I mean.
By angelaires
Caught in an unknown rhapsody
Yet denied by the pleasure of eternity,
Two hearts, two destination
They’ll never meet, never in unison
Up on the hill of solitude
Yearning to placate that wary countenance
But finding no valor to express thy gratitude
The choice left is a sturdy acceptance
Of what could never be…should have never begun.
If cruel is thy fate that I bid
So what’s worst than being empty handed?
Walking through life seemed like an exhausting struggle
To belong somewhere and be framed in a perfectly woven angle.
Ah. Life, if only we can do what should be done!
Down the road, I glimpse a symptom
As tears flung out of thy maiden’s vision
Aggravated of the world’s convention
What to do, where to go do you have a prediction?
Oh Moon, cover me from the hideous reality of life’s infraction
Here now, the climax is looming
I heard a scream from thy blistered heart that’s aching
Be strong, be noble and be swollen with pride
Do what’s best even if it meant a valediction
For the sun is waiting, with open arms for an untold new beginning.
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